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Oorzaak van grijs haar ontdekt

MAINZ - Duitse wetenschappers hebben het geheim ontrafeld van het grijs worden van het menselijk haar. Grijs haar. FOTO EPA Ook koesteren zij hoop dat er op basis van hun vinding een medicijn kan worden gemaakt tegen vergrijzing. Dit meldde de Duitse krant Die Welt...

Clinton warns of Iranian threat to Europe, Russia

(CNN) -- Iran poses a threat to Europe and Russia, both from Tehran's direct efforts and its support of terrorist groups, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. The Tehran...

A day at a company

  Today, I had an appointment for a thesis graduation project position at this Company in Utrecht. I came ten minutes late to the Appointment, something even I find strange for someone aiming for a future job position, but believe me or not, these things always happen to me. Mostly I...

Jindal does damage control

(CNN) -- Is Bobby Jindal following the model of a young Bill Clinton? Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal found that his speech last week was badly received and is trying to bounce back. In 1988, the then-Arkansas governor was one of the hot names as a possible presidential candidate for his...

Bos hekelt rol aandeelhouders

Bos hekelt rol aandeelhouders AMSTERDAM - Aandeelhouders hebben ,,vrijwel niets'' gedaan om de financiële crisis te voorkomen. Ze hebben juist bankiers opgejaagd om steeds grotere risico's te nemen. Minister Bos. FOTO ANP Dat stelde minister Wouter Bos (Financiën) dinsdag op...

Obama releases internal Bush Justice Department memos

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Obama administration Monday released nine previously secret internal Justice Department memos and opinions defining the legal limits of government power in combating terrorism. ...