Welcome to my Website


This website is created for the purpose of communicating with the outside world. This is more or less the only means for me to communicate with my family, friends and other people out there.

On this website you will find pages like "News" were you could read pieces of actualities I find interesting coming from various news items around the world. There is also a "Blog", I will provide room for individuals to give their opinions about stuff they or I find interesting out there. There is also a "Guestbook" for those who feel like to say something personal about me or something they saw on this website. For an open-minded guy like me, there is also a "Forum" on the blog page. This page is mostly meant for criticism or advice from viewers about things they saw or read on this website. For those of you who want to get in contact with me for some reason or another, the "Contact" page gives you the means and coordinates to get to me easily.

Feel free to go around this site, navigate, and interact with others and I. Don't be shy. Share your praise, criticism and Information, I am an open-minded guy.

You are welcome...






Do you think the world would be better off with only one religion?

No 238 28%
Yes 128 15%
Neither 119 14%
o0-iu-9 112 13%

Total votes: 839


Invasion of privacy or safe travel?

In the heat of such a discussion, it is always good to remember the fundamental rights citizens have. The failed attack on a passenger flight over Detroit has aroused debate on the use of body scans at airports. The suspected bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, passed through airport...

Should Balkenende step down over Iraq?

The Balkenende government seems to have narrowly averted a full-blown crisis by admitting that “in hindsight” it could have done better in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. The admission did not come easily, following a day of tense deliberations between government parties. The special...

Debating with the extreme right parties in the Europe & the Netherlands

An issue that has been the subject of some heated discussion in the Netherlands over recent weeks is how to, or whether to, engage in public debate with the far right political parties like the Freedom Party (PVV) of Geert Wilders and Pride of the Netherland (TON) of Rita Verdonk. For those who may...

Will development aid really change because of Moyo risin'?

Dambisa Moyo during Wednesday's debate in Amsterdam.  Photo WFA Published: 9 October 2009 16:57 | Changed: 9 October 2009 20:07 Zambian economist Dambisa Moyo, who advocates scrapping aid to Africa, creates a sensation wherever she goes. Her critics say...

We voelen ons enorm tekortgedaan

En dus verwijten Nederlanders elkaar geen rekening te houden met anderen Wat een grap!!! Door Paul Schnabel Zelfs tijdens een recessie maken Nederlanders zich vooral druk om het asociale gedrag van anderen. Zelfkritiek is er niet. Daar zijn we veel te bijzonder voor. .article_related_box...

Corruption Is Why We Win

Philip Kisob Philip Kisob Managing Director at Hudson Partners Inc. retrieved from LinkedIn |Cameroon Network Group I have been guilty recently of getting all indignant about corruption and how it’s at the root of all evil. This I believe is why Africa is suffering from under-development and...


09.13.2005 I have always wondered what a man like Paul Biya, France’s Cameroun puppet, who enjoys spending so much of his time in Switzerland and other parts of Europe thinks about after he takes a shit and flushes, confidently knowing that his shit will actually go down. I wonder what he thinks...

The Observing Citizen

by Ed'son de Pary During a political debate in the Netherlands, right-wing politicians couldn’t help it pointing at foreigners as origin of all the flaws’ in this country. Political leaders like Marc Rutte (VVD), Geert Wilders (PVV) or Rita Verdonk (TON) said foreigners who do not want to...

Komt een negerin bij de dokter

Vrijdag 15 mei 2009 door Stine Jensen Parkeergarage in de Bijlmermeer Foto Rob Huibers In literair opzicht stelt 'Alleen maar nette mensen' weinig voor en is de bekroning ervan met de Gouden Uil een belediging voor  literatuurliefhebbers, vindt Stine Jensen. Robert Vuijsje is ineens...


Les inventeurs du Web craignent pour son futur

Il y a vingt ans naissait le Web au CERN. De passage à Genève, Tim Berners-Lee a détaillé sa vision de l'avenir Le Web, c'est lui. Star planétaire, adoré des technophiles mais peu connu du grand public, Tim Berners-Lee se plie de bonne grâce à la dédicace de l'ordinateur portable apporté par un...

Dieudonné, candidat "antisioniste" aux européennes

LE MONDE | 23.03.09 | 11h27  •  Mis à jour le 23.03.09 | 13h37 Fin de non recevoir pour Dieudonné. L'humoriste, qui a annoncé samedi 21 mars, depuis son théâtre de la Main d'or à Paris, sa candidature "antisioniste" et "anticommunautariste" aux élections européennes en...

Iranian Leader Assails President Obama's Outreach

Power, pop, and probings from ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper Jake Tapper is ABC News' Senior White House Correspondent based in the network's Washington bureau. He writes about politics and popular culture and covers a range of national stories.   March 21, 2009 ...

Iran Downplays Obama Video Message

(WASHINGTON) — Iran played down President Barack Obama's new video message to the Iranian people on Friday, saying it welcomed the overtures but warned that decades of mistrust can't easily be erased.   More Related The Different Ways the U.S. Can Talk to Iran Ahmadinejad to...

Somalis Balk at Outsiders — Including Osama Bin Laden

By Alex Perry / Cape Town Friday, Mar. 20, 2009 (L) Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden; (R) Somalia President Sheikh Shariff Ahmed (R) AFP / Getty ; (L) Antony Njuguna / Reuters   Nobody wants a death threat from Osama bin Laden. Still, Thursday's release of an audio message from...

Democrat anger at Obama overkill

Concern is mounting at the president's tactics The AIG saga has prompted some senior Democrats to distance themselves from Obama Tony Allen-Mills WHEN the White House announced last week that President Barack Obama will be returning to the nation's television screens on Tuesday for a...

Bad analysis, bad policy, terrible politics

vrijdag 20 maart 2009 door Tom-Jan Meeus   Politiek in Amerika: een slechte week en de president heeft meteen een probleem. Amerikanen noemen dit dynamisch. Je kunt het misschien ook instabiel noemen. Hoe het ook zij - het was dus een zeer slechte week voor Obama. Lees hier hoe een...

Handel in mensen, een grenzenloos probleem

zaterdag 21 maart 2009 door NRC Handelsblad Mensenhandel vormt met grootschalige hennepteelt en vastgoedfraude de topdrie van ernstige vormen van georganiseerde misdaad in Nederland. En de overheid zit niet stil. In EU-verband is Nederland verplicht bestrijding van mensenhandel en productie en...

Moeten we stoppen met het geven van ontwikkelingshulp?

zaterdag 21 maart 2009 door webredactie Nederland vindt het prachtig: gratis onderwijs en gratis gezondheidszorg in Oeganda. Zo kan het Afrikaanse land mooi de Millenium Doelen halen die we in Schokland hebben uitgeroepen tot de Tomtom van onze hulp. Dat Nederland met de hulp aan Oeganda het...

